June 28, 2021 – According to new research from VIAVI Solutions, 5G deployments increased 20% this year, expanding to a total of 1,662 cities worldwide. Based on the number of cities where 5G is available, VIAVI ranked Canada fifth out of 65 countries, behind the U.S. but ahead of other G7 countries and Australia. Canada’s 3,500 MHz auction began on June 15ᵗʰ and – along with a forthcoming 3,800 MHz auction – this midband spectrum will accelerate Canada’s 5G roll out, which is still in its early stages.
June 24, 2021 – Eastlink plans to roll out 5G this year, starting in Halifax by the end of this summer. It is participating in Canada's 3,500 MHz auction, and purchased 5G spectrum in the federal 600 MHz auction in 2019. Now celebrating its 50ᵗʰ anniversary, Eastlink spent $880 million over the last five years to build its network across seven provinces. Rogers announced that it is also launching 5G in Halifax this year, with Bell reporting its own 5G deployments in Halifax, PEI, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador.
June 24, 2021 – As part of a multi-year research program, the University of Waterloo recently demonstrated the "WATonoBus" – a driverless shuttle that can carry students and staff 2.7 km across campus. A Canadian first, the WATonoBus is remotely operated with 5G from Rogers, the University’s 5G research partner. Funding has also been provided by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Research Fund, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council. Future partnerships will bring more smart city features to campus, including a living testbed for advanced research.
June 15, 2021 – Canada’s 3,500 MHz 5G auction began on June 15ᵗʰ, following Innovation Canada’s release of auction guidelines in March 2020. This frequency range – formerly used for wireless Internet – has been repurposed for 5G due to its favourable coverage and speed characteristics. License winners in large population centres must offer service to at least 30% of residents within five years, and 70% within 20 years. Where it is available, the Department will also set aside 50 MHz of spectrum for regional providers.
Global 5G
June 30, 2021 – Ericsson and Google Cloud have announced they will partner to develop 5G and edge cloud technologies. As service providers, manufacturers, retailers and other businesses seek to offer customers new digital experiences, Ericsson and Google Cloud will develop such solutions at Ericsson’s D-15 Labs – where they can be tested on a live, multi-layer 5G platform. Ericsson and Google previously collaborated on digitizing operator networks and the design of cloud solutions for application migration.
June 17, 2021 – COVID-19 has highlighted the need for reliable, socially distant forms of medical care. Telehealth visits have consequently increased, and U.S. polls indicate that many patients now seek to keep using them. 5G, meanwhile, promises to improve the accessibility and affordability of telehealth. 5G mobile networks can help underserved communities access quality healthcare consultations, and virtual doctor’s visits will benefit workers who find it difficult to schedule in-person appointments – especially in rural areas.
June 17, 2021 – UK transportation authorities are building a £5.8m network of 5G sensors to reduce congestion on West Midlands roads. The live data is used by a regional control centre to issue traffic advisories, identify trends, and develop future transit infrastructure. "Better connected roads will ultimately support local financial growth, as it will be quicker and easier to travel for business, leisure, or academia," said Chris Holmes, transport program director for West Midlands 5G. 280 more sensors will be installed in the next phase of the Road Sensor Network Project, which is expected to be completed in March 2022.